7 Reasons Why It’s Great to Work with Digital Contractors

by Business Building, Future of Work

The evolution of business has been incredibly astounding. Simple brick and mortar businesses are now turning into digital workplaces, thanks to different innovations that allow us to streamline processes, maximize productivity and of course, increase revenues. 

But if you’re a small business, it might be difficult to fully embrace the digital workplace due mostly to financial constraints. Thankfully, there’s now an option to work with digital contractors depending on your needs and you should take advantage of this for the following reasons:

It instills discipline back to your team.

Sometimes, familiarity can lead to a lack of discipline in your workplace. But when they know that they have to work with someone that’s outside their familiar zone and would depend on their directions for a project, they would have to take responsibility for preparing the tasks ahead of time to ensure that deadlines are met and consistent work streams are maintained.

It promotes better communication.

Communication is imperative when you’re working with a digital workforce because you don’t get to see each other in person. Whether you’re working with a digital marketing agency or a freelance graphic artist, you have to learn how to communicate your ideas and instructions properly to make sure that you get your deliverables right. 

Communication gets lost when you’re too familiar with your own team, but you can re-learn that by communicating with a digital workforce.

It ensures consistency.

Freelancers, consultants and other digital contractors know that deliverables have to be met before they get paid for it. This is why they always plan everything properly to make sure that they deliver tasks on time. This isn’t always the case with an internal team where employees are more lenient thinking that they’d get paid as long as they go to work every day. But when you’re working with digital contractors, you are also setting a standard for your own team to ensure consistency in their work. 

It guarantees smooth operations.

One of the best benefits of working with a digital workforce is that everything has a timeline. This brings predictability to your operations, which is actually beneficial because you already have a process to be followed to avoid errors and reduce the need for revisions. 

You just need to specify the scope of work, assemble the assets to help the project run, set at timetable and wait for your digital contractors to submit them. 

You don’t have to worry about all the nitty gritty that’s involved with getting to that deadline because you’re hiring experts in their field. This also ensures that the work meets the standard of what you expect without the need to spend a lot or micro manage. 

It’s easier to deliver feedback.

You already know by now that delivering feedback to your own team could be a huge challenge, especially if you’ve already built a close relationship with them. 

But honest feedback is very important to not only improve your processes but also to make sure that you’re getting the most value from your team. When you work with a digital workforce, you don’t have to think about how to deliver feedback because these professionals make customer feedback a part of their business. 

They are more willing to accept specific and critical feedback from their clients in order to deliver better services to them. 

It allows you to test the waters.

Sometimes, hiring your own people means going into that relationship with less information than you’d like. Since you have to commit to a contract, you don’t have complete control of whether he delivers or not, but you still have to pay them as an employee. But when you work with a digital contractor, you’ll have the opportunity to test the waters first before committing to a long-term relationship. 

You’ll get to know each other first to see if the freelancer is fit for the job that you’re looking for. If not, you can terminate the agreement after a small task and find another professional. 

You also don’t need to worry if an employee would vibe with the company because everything is done digitally and you don’t have to communicate often. You just give a task and your contractor will deliver it on time.

It offers you more room for growth.

Contrary to what most people believe, hiring digital contractors actually helps you save a lot of money. Since you don’t have to hire managers to look after your team, you can cut down on recruitment and training costs. 

You’ll also have more time to work on things that really matter for your business, which is a good way to kickstart your growth.

Bottom line

Working with a digital workforce will not just be a trend. It will be the future of how businesses run, so make sure that you get ahead by giving it a try now. 

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